The National Organization of Minority Architects
Wisconsin Chapter
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Wisconsin
Archictecture and Building Industries
The Wisconsin DEI Challenge Ten Action Items are a tangible way for firms to understand the means and methods by which they can begin to achieve a better sense of belonging and inclusivity in the workplace. Although all tasks are important, the point system is a way for firms to prioritize certain actions within your organization. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. Any suggestions are welcome.
Partner and/or collaborate on projects with architecture firms that are Black-owned or owned by Indigenous or Underrepresented people of color.
10 points per project, max 50 points
Create project teams that include Black-owned, Indigenous or Underrepresented persons of color in a prime, partner, or sub-consultant role.
10 points per project, max 50 points
Provide paid internships for architecture students from historically Black design schools (HBCUs), or for Black, Indigenous, and Underrepresented people of color from local architecture schools.
5 points per intern hired
Increase recruitment of Black, Indigenous, and Underrepresented people of color for design staff, leadership, and total number of professionals at the firm.
5 points per new hire
Develop a mentorship program within the firm or participate in outside mentoring programs to connect and support Black, Indigenous, and Underrepresented people of color in their career development within the profession.
20 points maximum
Increase career advancement of Black, Indigenous, and Underrepresented people of color to management and leadership positions. Publish and uphold objective, clearly-defined path-to-leadership job descriptions, made accessible to all staff.
10 points per person
Include Black, Indigenous, and Underrepresented poeple of color in company-wide marketing materials, social media, and publications to increase representation of employee contributions to projects and to the firm.
10 points maximum
Conduct diversity training for all staff and commit to the on-going work of developing cultural competency, both at the individual level and organizational level.
5 points per session, max 10 points
Provide pro-bono design services and hands-on contributions to underserved communities (Black Indigenous, and Undrrepresented people of color) by partnering with local grass-roots organizations.
5 points per project, max 20 points
Support Wisco NOMA, AIA Wisconsin and/or Wisconsin Architects Foundation diversity programs through volunteerism. Opportunities include Wisco NOMA's Project Pipeline, K-12 outreach/ Architects in Schools, and Continuing Education.